The Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University, was established on May 18, 1956, as the 4th faculty of Silpakorn University. It currently offers design studies covering all fields of study and 16 programs at undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels.
In 2025, the Faculty of Decorative Arts has implemented its vision of “Creative & Design Wisdom Provider in Asia” by setting a development strategy to become a leader in design education in the Asian region and a design resource for society. The following activities have been carried out:
• DEC Expertise: training, seminars, or short courses
• DEC Extract: design content
• DEC Exposure: design data warehouse
• DEC Journal: Art and design academic journals
• DEC Space and DEC Studio: creating an environment of creativity
• DEC Skill Test and DEC Skill Boost: creating standards and promoting art and design skills
The Faculty of Decorative Arts also conducts other activities: That continuously support academic and professional design, such as Designer of the Year, SILPA Creative Works Exhibition, SILPA International Conference, etc.
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