MFA in Jewelry Design


  • Produce master’s degrees in the field of jewelry design with design abilities. Advanced jewelry To meet the needs of the jewelry profession Be knowledgeable Have responsibility for environmental resources local and social materials Have professional ethics and support Master’s degrees in being able to Produce research works, textbooks, academic information Jewelry design works of art and creative work Innovation in jewelry

Course objectives

  • Produce master’s degrees with morality, ethics, and the ability to integrate ideas and knowledge.
  • Creativity in advanced jewelry design Able to research and use new technology or theories as well as design jewelry. Taking into account the global environmental situation and trends
  • To develop knowledge and increase the ability to produce innovative jewelry. Focusing on creating unique individual works that come from the roots of wisdom and exquisite craftsmanship. Art which is an important basis of the nation
  • Can produce people with academic and professional ethics in jewelry design.

Careers that can be pursued after graduation

  • Designer or expert in designing jewelry and metal products.
  • Teacher, academic, or researcher in jewelry and metal product design.
  • A businessman who designs jewelry and metal products.
  • Business consultant involved in design innovations in various fields, including production systems and materials that help promote and develop various products.

Expected learning outcomes of the course

  • PLO1 can integrate knowledge Creativity and research experience in advanced jewelry design to benefit oneself and the public in accordance with the situation of the country and abroad
  • PLO2 demonstrates an open attitude and accepts training. Problem-solving skills or professional techniques and Facing the current quick change
  • PLO3 Develop yourself for success He is a leader who is firmly established in the Basics of responsibility towards organizations, society, and resource costs.
  • PLO4 Develop the value of knowledge and Skills such as Correct, appropriate, moral, and ethical, aiming for professionalism.
  • PLO5 searches, analyzes and synthesizes information for Education and research as well as information technology
  • PLO6 can present ideas and content concisely, promptly, and with complete meaning to integrate the potential in the presentation. and transfer development methods to new knowledge
  • PLO7 enhances the ability to Analyze theoretical data and follow the process of Systematic knowledge research Able to think, diagnose, analyze, criticize, and criticize like an expert. for the synthesis of innovation Jewelry and evaluation The results are in line with the assumptions.
  • PLO8 can present work Thai jewelry design world design industry as well intellectual identity Cultural knowledge and fine arts skills for Drive the industry Country goals

Applicant qualifications

  • Graduated with a bachelor’s degree in any field of study.


    If applicants have any questions about the applicant’s qualifications,  they can contact Associate Professor. Dr. Supawee Sirinkraporn
    Telephone 065-264-5654 (Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) or Ms. Inthira Lailert, telephone 02-221-5874


  • 192,000 baht for the entire program (48,000 baht per semester, 4 semesters)
© สงวนลิขสิทธิ์ 2558, คณะมัณฑนศิลป์ มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร