MFA in Product Design


  • Create product design personnel for national development Emphasis on creating formal ideas product design Towards management for sustainable development with quality and creativity

Course objectives

  • To create graduates who are socially responsible Have knowledge and ability to keep up with changing trends Social, cultural, and technological.
  • To create graduates who can relate to product design in the business process, leading to New role at work or create your own business.
  • To create graduates who can conduct research efficiently Leads to the production of design research. quality products and have professional ethics.
  • To create graduates who can integrate knowledge in creating works. Product design Unique in its own way Including being able to create new innovative works.

Careers that can be pursued after graduation

  • Product designers in agencies that provide design services in government and private sectors.
  • Run your own business in product design and other related designs.
  • Product design executives in government and private sectors
  • Product design academic

Plan A, Form A 2, the number of credits throughout the program is not less than 39 credits.
– Required subjects 21 credits
– Elective courses not less than 6 credits
– The thesis is equivalent to 12 credits.
– Total credits throughout the program are not less than 39 credits.

Plan B, the number of credits throughout the program is not less than 42 credits.
– Required subjects 24 credits
– Elective courses not less than 12 credits
– independent research It is equivalent to 6 credits.
– Total credits throughout the program are not less than 42 credits.

Study Plan

Plan A, Form A 2

Year 1 Semester 1
Code Subject Credit
360 501 Aesthetics for Designers 3 (3-0-6)
360 503  Integration and Innovation in Creative Design 3 (2-2-5)
360 511 Advanced Product Design 1 4 (2-4-6)
Total 10
Year 1 Semester 2
Code Subject Credit
360 504 Research Methods for Designers 3 (3-0-6)
360 512 Advanced Product Design 2 5 (2-9-4)
363 513 Design Management 3 (3-0-6)
360 541 English for Designers 3*(3-0-6)
Total 11

Note* Courses are studied without counting credits.

Year 2 Semester 1
รหัสวิชา วิชา หน่วยกิต (บ-ป-น)
363 531 Thesis 12
Total 12

Plan B

Year 1 Semester 1
Code Subject Credit
360 501 Aesthetics for Designers 3 (3-0-6)
360 503  Integration and Innovation in Creative Design 3 (2-2-5)
360 514 Drafting techniques for product design 3 (2-3-4)
Elective course 3
Total 12

Year 1 Semester 2
Code Subject Credit
360 504 Research Methods for Designers 3 (3-0-6)
360 511 Advanced Product Design 1 4 (2-4-6)
363 513 Design Management 3 (3-0-6)
360 541 English for Designers 3*(3-0-6)
Elective course 3
Total 13

Note* Courses are studied without counting credits.

Year 2 Semester 1
Code Subject Credit
360 512 Advanced Product Design 2 5 (2-9-4)
Elective course 6
Total 11
Year 2 Semester 2
Code Subject Credit
363 532 independent study 6
Total 6

Applicant qualifications
Plan A Form A2

  • Graduated with a bachelor’s degree Product design field industrial art or
    Completion of a bachelor’s degree in art or design in another field related to product design at the discretion of the curriculum committee.

Plan B

  • Completed bachelor’s degree Product design branch industrial art art design or
    Completed bachelor’s degree Other fields of study related and is not related to product design It is at the discretion of the course committee.
    Additional evidence
  • Thesis topic proposal (proposal) consists of thesis topic, origin and importance, objectives, concepts and theories supporting the scope of study. and educational process (For Plan A applicants, Form A2)
  • Point of interest proposal form consists of topics of interest, origins and importance. Objectives, concepts and supporting theories, length not exceeding 1 page of A4 paper (for Plan B applicants)


    If you have any questions about the applicant’s qualifications, contact Ms. Inthira Lailert at 0-2221-5874 or
    Ms. Hathaikan Prasit 084-924-1656 or Associate Professor Dr. Ratthai Phoncharoen 061-797-3043


  • 192,000 baht for the entire program (48,000 baht per semester, 4 semesters)
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