BFA in Applied Art Studies


  • Create art that is most beneficial to life, society, and the environment. Integrate knowledge in various academic subjects, emphasizing aesthetic and moral values.


  • Applied arts are creations that are aesthetically beneficial. Raise the quality of life It is a body of knowledge that can create added value in the culture and economy of the nation. Applied Arts Education Curriculum Emphasis on education and creativity Art that is related to society, environment, resources, and times, giving importance to knowledge from folk art. Thai art and Thai wisdom were used to develop new ideas Create innovations in contemporary art, able to produce both handicraft and industrial works. Causing added value in art and design as well as products Products that emphasize creativity Increase business competitiveness with other countries. Bring currency back into the country Strengthen the basics of the economy of the nation to prosper and be stable


  • Create graduates who have the knowledge and ability to create art that is valuable to humanity. Both physically and mentally
  • Create graduates with morals and ethics
  • Create graduates who are leaders in driving cultural, social, and economic movements.

Careers that can be pursued after graduation

  • Painter
  • Sculptor
  • Graphic artist
  • Thai applied art artist
  • Textile artist
  • Visual artist
  • Designer
  • Artist
  • Illustrator
  • Art Instructor
  • Art scholar
  • Art critic
  • Storekeeper
  • Consultant in art and applied art design
  • Art exhibition designer and organizer
  • Freelance career

Course code and name

Course code

  • 2550 00811 05663

Course name

  • Bachelor of Fine Arts Program in Applied Art Studies

Degree name and field of study

  • Full name: Bachelor of Fine Arts (Applied Art Studies)
    initials: B.F.A. (Applied Art Studies)

Bachelor of Fine Arts Program in Applied Art Studies (Revised curriculum 2022)

Download (PDF, 438KB)

Bachelor of Fine Arts Program in Applied Art Studies (Revised curriculum 2017)

Download (PDF, 304KB)

Selection criteria for the study

  • Interest in learning about art
  • Basic art skills that will serve as a base for developing creative thinking.
  • responsibility Try to learn to develop yourself and solve problems on your own.
  • aware of morality Basic ethics Public consciousness in the artistic profession and living together with others in society


  • Apply for TCAS round 1 around November. Follow the application details via


  • 176,000 baht for the entire program (22,000 baht per semester, 4 semesters)
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