Gamification is the use of game elements, mechanics, and experience design to engage user behaviors and solve real-world problems. Applications of serious games and gamification in sustainable design education have been novel. To raise environmental consciousness and knowledge of industrial design students, the gamification design system was integrated into sustainable design pedagogy. The aim is to evaluate the learning effectiveness of this intervention. The study was conducted in a sustainable design course for three consecutive years at the Department of Industrial Design, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. Nine Eco-Game projects were designed and playtested. Participant observations and evaluations by checklists and web-based questionnaires were then performed during in-classroom activities among sophomores and juniors. Results revealed that the integration can enhance learning outcomes in environmental information and design aspects depending on the complexity of game rules, adequacy of prototype testing period, and concentration for physical actions and game tasks. In this way, students can learn through playing and designing games. However, this phase is solely at the early stage of intervention in this field. Further research is needed to fully integrate systematic gamification into the learning environment and encourage pro-environmental behavior change.
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Springer (book chapter หนังสือชุดชื่อ Sustainable Production, Life Cycle Engineering and Management)