Product design and development of Thai traditional massage for health by Arpa’s Thai Massage Community Enterprise, Ang Thong Province

วันที่ 27 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2565
รศ.ดร.รัฐไท พรเจริญ | Assoc.Prof. Ratthai Porncharoen (PhD)
ออกแบบผลิตภัณฑ์ | Department of Product Design
การออกแบบและพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ์ชุดนวดแผนไทยเพื่อสุขภาพ วิสาหกิจชุมชนอาภานวดแผนไทย จังหวัดอ่างทอง | Product design and development of Thai traditional massage for health by Arpa’s Thai Massage Community Enterprise, Ang Thong Province


Product design and development of Thai traditional massage for health by Arpa Thai Massage Community Enterprise, Ang Thong Province, this research has the objectives as following : 1) Design and Develop Thai traditional massage products for Health by Arpa Thai Massage Community Enterprise. 2) Create prototype products that can be helped to treat symptoms of patient. 3) Evaluate the using of Thai traditional massage products and satisfaction assessment of the customer who came to receive treatment with the original developed product at Arpa Thai Massage Community Enterprise.

The procedure of this research was carried out as follows : 1) The process of studying And collecting data by gathering both of the literatures and research which related to muscle syndrome, fibrosis, also Thai massage and Thai applied traditional medicine. In addition, Inquiries as well as opinions from the 3 sample groups through interview. Group no. 1 : Chairman and staffs of Arpa Thai Massage Community Enterprise, and 7 specialists of Thai applied traditional medicine. Group no. 2 : 3 experts in the field of Product design Group no. 3 : 10 Patients who came to receive treatment at Arpa Massage Community Enterprise. 2) Sketch design of Thai traditional massage for health product. 3) Procedure for asking opinions and suggestions from 3 experts of product design and 2 experts in Thai traditional massage and applied Thai traditional medicine from questionnaires by check list and rating scale to select the best set of Thai traditional massage for health and including using open-ended questions and suggestions for improvement. 4) Prototyping process and experiment to get a good product of a Thai massage set for health. 5) Evaluate the satisfaction of Thai traditional massage products for health from Arpa’s Community Enterprise Thai massage, Ang thong province, assessed from 2 target groups which are Thai massage therapist Arpa Thai Massage Community Enterprise consisted of 10 people and 40 patients who came to receive treatment at the community enterprise Arpa Thai Massage by questionnaires with checklist and rating scale as a research tool. To collect data for statistical analysis which are contained Frequency, Percentage, Arithmetic Mean 🙂 and proportion standard deviation (Standard Deviation: S.D.) by describing.

The results of this research found that Thai massage products for Health, Arpa Thai Massage Community Enterprise Massage is device for back-neck-shoulder-waist acupressure by getting the highest satisfaction both in terms of beauty creating a unique identity for products, applications, materials and manufacturing at the average (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.22, S.D.=0.21), the second product is Arm-leg massage device at the average (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.14, S.D.=0.19), the third is a massage device that relaxes under the feet. with the average (gif.latex?\bar{x}=3.98, S.D.=0.15) and the last order is the device ankle stretches were averaged (gif.latex?\bar{x}=3.82, S.D.=0.14).

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The New Viridian Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences ปีที่ 2 ฉบับที่ 2 เดือนมีนาคม – เมษายน 2565 

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